Vaasna Care™

1. Coz it contains glycerin

Sounds weird right. Yes… many commercial soaps are nowadays selling with this word as their main astra. Have you wonder why?

The truth behind this is… glycerin is a natural byproduct when a soap is made out of combination of oils and lye. Store bought soap making companies will remove this natural glycerin(which is essential , expensive, natural) and replace it with chemical glycerin which is manmade.  This thing makes the commercial soaps even more harder. And the reason of skin getting dry, flaked, irritated is because of this lack of natural glycerin…and adding to this… when using this store bough bars that will eventually remove your skins natural healthy oils too.

    While in handmade soaps, the glycerin made during saponification process will stay in the soap itself. Glycerin stays on your skin and attracts moisture from the air, which will keep your skin moisturized. It’s not removed or extracted for making any other cosmetic products.

2. Handmade soaps are actually soaps

Real handmade soaps contain raw ingredients like fats, oils and lye. Mass produced store bought chemical soaps are actually not considered as real soaps by words given from FDA(food and drug administration). And this is with good reason. These ingredients are usually harsh detergents and hardening agents.  You can see their packaging omits the term SOAP , instead they use cleansing bars, moisturizing bars.

According to the FDA website:

“Not every product marketed as soap meets FDA’s definition of the term. FDA interprets the term “soap” to apply only when the bulk of the nonvolatile matter in the product consists of an alkali salt of fatty acids and the product’s detergent properties are due to the alkali-fatty acid compounds, and

the product is labeled, sold, and represented solely as soap [21 CFR 701.20].

Products that meet this definition of soap are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”

3. Ingredients

Handmade soaps contain oils and glycerin (plus the occasional colorant, scent or additive such as flower petals), while mass produced soaps are detergents with high level of fragrance levels and little to no beneficial ingredients. Palm oil is widely used in mass produced soap, even though this oil is known to be hurtful to wildlife. It is also cheap, like animal fats, which are also often used. Palm oil and animals fats do make great soap (when not combined with detergents), but we choose to use neither.

4. Artisans designs

Most soap makers have their own unique style and a lot of us make our own amazing recipes. Handmade soaps are almost always better than mass produced soaps (there are obviously exceptions to both sides) when it comes to ingredients, mildness and moisturizing abilities, and there are also an abundance of fun patterns, shapes, colors and scents to choose from.Tailored Soap carries a big selection of different styles, including all natural options (which you won’t find among mass produced soaps), and products unique to our shop only.

5. Health first

Some ingredients, such as Methylisothiazolinone, are known to be damaging to people, but they are still found in countless products. While researching and hunting down our selection of fragrances we also found an alarming amount of fragrances with the warnings “may cause cancer”, “possible risk of harm to the unborn child,” and “possible risk of impaired fertility.”These are fragrances sold to soap makers as well. So make sure that your daily use skin care products doesn’t include these ingredients. Handmade soaps usually use essential oils in spite of fragrance oils which is more healthy and good for mind too as it is rich in medicinal and therapeutic properties.

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